Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

The Steel House

Stand at an average Indonesian property sized 9m x 10m.
This design came to overcome the challenge of high material cost and higher worker cost. By using recycled steel beam and hollow section, lets forget about the feel from the neighboring house from the feeling of a warehouse next to them, because, our original intention is, we tried to cut the worker cost at 50% by shortening the construction timeline. That will be cut significant amount from the original construction cost. 
The steel frame will be fabricated at the workshop while on the site will be prepared the foundation works  as well as the underground infrastructure needed and base floor. Upon the completion of base work, steel frame will be transported to the site and start the assembly work and finishing work such as installation of the dry wall, wall cladding, operable louvre glass window and pre-arranged M&E works.

Plan View of Upper & Lower Floor *
Space wise, we demarcate the site clearly to create secondary facade for the house, this will help resident to have better ventilation and enjoy their own yard, rather than the terrace house effect that only have front elevation. 
Space planning also clearly stated the semi private and private area. Reflecting pool introduced to help bring in cold air into the building.

Isometric  view of detached element (Left Image) and some of interior & exterior Shoot*
Artist Impression of the house showing the metal clad as exterior finish and use of louvre glass windows and floating pitch roof to allow cross ventilation in to the house. *
*) Drawing given is for us to study together, idea is to share, but not for you to hijack the others works.

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